Working Life Forum gives everyone a chance to join in current debate on working life
Thursday, March 16, 2022
The new national event on working life will provide a platform for developing the Finnish world of work in the long term.
The world of work has changed rapidly in recent years. For this reason, it has been necessary to re-assess workplace practices, management and trust at all workplaces.
Amidst these changes, Finland needs a common understanding of the current picture of working life and a shared view on paths to the future. It is essential that the conditions for working are good in all tasks and working-age people stay fit for work throughout their careers.
Management should also be able to respond to changes in society and accelerate the anticipation and development of skills needs. It is essential to ensure that the world of work can renew itself and act in changing circumstances. In the transformation of working life, new models are created for work-places and the service system to increase wellbeing, competitiveness and employment.
Working Life Forum Finland 2022 to be held in August
The Working Life Forum Finland 2022 will give everyone a chance to join in the current debate on working life. To create solutions for the future of work, a broad-based public debate is needed.
In addition to topical subjects such as crises and resilience, the Forum will discuss the role of con-tinuous learning in working life, efforts to strengthen wellbeing and coping at work, the benefits and disadvantages of rapid advancement of digitalisation, the importance of trust and the challeng-es of management amidst changes, as well as internationality.
“The Working Life Forum is an event for discussing the world of work. It gives us a chance to en-gage in long-term and determined development efforts that enable us to form a more accurate pic-ture of the world of work and build a better working life for everyone,” says Minister of Social Af-fairs and Health Hanna Sarkkinen.
Technological development and digitalisation have also opened up interesting new opportunities.
“In future, those workplaces will succeed the best that know how to reinvest not only in technologi-cal innovations but also in core activities, the organisation of work and management practices. Amidst the digital green transition, updating the skills of employees and enabling continuous learn-ing are central to productivity,” says Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen.
Changes have not been easy for everyone. Cooperation and the spirit of trust at workplaces help people cope in changing circumstances. Good working conditions have a positive effect on people’s mental and physical fitness for work and on productivity. Finnish working life also needs a common understanding of mental health as a success factor. Mental health is an investment that needs to be strengthened by developing work and preventing problems at the workplace level. This will also help reduce sick leave and disability retirement due to mental health problems. Workplaces need skilled employees who are fit for work.
By working together we can build the best possible working life. The Working Life Forum 2022 invites all Finnish workplaces and working life actors to discuss joint development efforts in Au-gust. This work does not require just the input of workplaces; it requires everyone to work together. Successful and healthy workplaces will grow, employ people and increase wellbeing and productivi-ty around them.
The Working Life Forum Finland 2022 will be held at Little Finland in Helsinki on 31 August 2022. It will be organised by the Government’s WORK 2030 programme together with a wide network of partners.
Read more about the Working Life Forum Finland 2022 on the event page and register for it.
Jiri Sironen, Special Adviser to the Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Ministry of Social Af-fairs and Health,
Liisa Hakala, Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health,
Iiris Niinikoski, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment,
Sanna Kulmala, Programme Director, WORK2030 programme,
What is the WORK2030 programme?
The WORK2030 programme is the Government’s development programme for reforming operating practices in cooperation with workplaces, sectors and experts. By developing operating practices and models, we can have a positive effect on employment, economy and competitiveness as well as Fin-land’s global image as a good working environment. The programme is carried out jointly by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish National Agency for Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, all central labour market organisations, the Federation of Finnish Enterprises, the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, the Centre for Occupational Safety, Business Finland, the Finnish Work Environment Fund and a large number of other working life actors. The programme is led by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and the Finnish Institute of Occupa-tional Health is responsible for the programme’s operational activities.
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