The WORK2030 program is part of the government program. New operating methods are being developed together with workplaces, industries, and experts, and experiments are encouraged.
Reforming practices and encouraging experimentation can improve Finland’s employment rate, economy, competitiveness, and work life brand.
The Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health implements the WORK2030 programme in cooperation with the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, labor market organizations, and other work life actors. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is responsible for the operational implementation of the program. The program is conducted in cooperation with the parliamentary reform of continuous learning.
Objectives of the WORK2030 programme are:
- Accelerate the reform of practices and the use of new technology in Finnish workplaces.
Foster a work culture based on co-operation and trust.
Make Finland a leading developer of work life innovations in the digital age.
Make Finland the world leader in well-being at work by 2030.
Key parts of the WORK2030 programme are:
The objective of sector-specific projects is to promote dialogue between labour market parties, develop new practices for workplaces and reform work life, in particular by utilizing the potential of digital technologies.
Regional development projects are co-ordinated by ELY Centres. They are aimed at promoting work life reform within the companies and organizations of the region, strengthening regional competence and co-operation between work life actors as well as creating a development model applicable to other regions.
Management network
The objective of the management network is to build the future of management by promoting management fit for the future, reforming work life and creating opportunities for learning and competence development. The network aims to create interaction, dialogue and understanding between different generations. This means the experiences and successes of people with a longer work history combine with the skills, perspectives and innovations of younger people with a fresh perspective on work life.
Work life innovations
Ways of enabling work life innovations include providing funding for experiments and activities related to the Work Ability Index as well as a workathlon concept that provides sparring and “Fast Expert Teams” solution teams.
Work life situation
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health gathers research and assessments regarding the work life situation and develops operational models and disseminates good practices. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health also produces research assessing the impact of the WORK2030 programme on the work life situation in relation to the programme's objectives.
Assessing the work life situation includes the webinar series “Kohti työtä 2030” (Towards work 2030), the social media campaign #muntyö2030 (mywork2030) for young adults and a video series on work life success stories from Finland during the coronavirus crisis.
Key actors of the WORK2030 programme are:
The Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland (Akava), Business Finland, the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK), the Commission for Church Employers, Local Government Employers (KT), the Finnish National Agency for Education, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Finnish Confederation of Professionals (STTK), the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK), the Federation of Finnish Enterprises, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Centre for Occupational Safety, the Office for the Government as Employer.
- Etusivu
- Tietoa ohjelmasta
- Tulevaisuusvuoropuhelu
- Työkaluja
- Huomisen johtajuus
- Työelämän tilannekuva
- Hybridityö, etätyö ja lähityö (HELP)
- Hyvinvointia työstä 2030-luvulla
- Kohti työtä 2030 -webinaarit
- MEADOW-tutkimus
- MEADOW ICT-alan juttusarja
- Suvujaa aivotyötä opetusalalle
- Työelämäfoorumi Suomi 2024
- Työelämätapahtumia
- Työelämän tilannekuvia
- Työmarkkinajärjestöjen vuoropuhelu digitalisaatiosta
- Työ nyt ja tulevaisuudessa: Eväitä ajatteluun luentosarja
- Viisi ratkaisua tulevaisuuden työelämään
- Viestintä ja kampanjat