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Workplace Resilience Toolkit

Strengthen the work community's ability to prepare for and adapt to change situations.

Duration Test approx. 1.5 hours, workshops 1–2 hours + development measures Contents The Workplace Resilience Test and three alternative workshops Result An overview of the organization’s resilience and jointly agreed on measures for developing change readiness


The test provides an overview of the change readiness of the work community and a recommendation on a workshop for developing either co-operation, decision-making or threat preparation. The toolkit helps work communities to make their procedures more flexible.

For whom?

The test and workshops are intended for the entire work community to do together. The workshops can be lead, for example, by the management, supervisors or professionals in safety, strategy or HR.


The opportunity to participate in the processing and development of matters related to your work community increases well-being at work and commitment levels. The workshops strengthen the organization’s ability to adapt to and succeed in a rapidly changing operational environment.


Workplace Resilience Test

The resiliency test provides a snapshot of the organizational resilience of the work community and a recommendation for which part of the toolkit should be used next.

Learn more about the test

Preparing for Disruptions Tool

The workshop will help you to identify possible threats and improve the work community’s ability to cope with surprising and stressful crises.

Go to the workshop instructions

Decision-making Development Tool

The workshop makes the decision-making practices of the workplace visible. It is aimed at identifying who are the right people to decide on matters and which issues can be decided on jointly.

Go to the workshop instructions

Co-operation Tool

Identify key co-operative partners and select measures for fostering mutual appreciation and trust.

Go to the workshop instructions