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Managing mental wellbeing is part of a successful workplace strategy

Employees’ wellbeing is strongly reflected in their performance. The strategic management of wellbeing at work is the cornerstone of the organisation’s success and successful work.

Wellbeing should be considered as often as money

Wellbeing at work should be managed as strategically as the organisation’s finances. It is important for mental wellbeing to be considered in all decisions – before creativity wanes and people get burnout.

In the future, workplaces may not even have a separate strategy for wellbeing at work. Operations will align with a strategy which has a wellbeing aspect.

Wellbeing is not just an advantage or problem for employees

A thriving work community is able to develop, change, and work productively. It is also a factor in workplace appeal.

It is therefore important to invest at least supervisors’ time into boosting mental health.

Ensuring smooth work, focusing on the right issues, and allowing for recovery all benefit the entire workplace. Time management, for example, is not just an individual’s responsibility, but a collective issue for which shared practices should be introduced.

Intense everyday work requires active steps for wellbeing

If things get overwhelming at work, the chance to recover must be ensured. Time-related challenges increase problems with mental wellbeing, such as difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and feelings of inadequacy.

Many workplaces have made work so intense that there is no longer a chance for natural recovery during the work day. This is a short-sighted approach in terms of the organisation’s future.

Good mental health is a success factor. That’s why it’s important for managers and supervisors to understand different aspects of wellbeing at work and to make bold strategic decisions in support of wellbeing.


Specialist: Liisa Puskala, psychologist and senior specialist, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
