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Job Burnout Traffic Lights for Work Communities

Survey the risk of burnout in your own organization and compare the results with others. 

Duration 5 minutes to respond + summarizing results and development measures Contents 12 questions related to symptoms of burnout (exhaustion, mental distancing, cognitive impairment and emotional impairment) Result Results of the organisation compared to results of the How is Finland doing? study


  • This survey provides information on the prevalence of burnout in the workplace and tips for further action.
  • Each respondent receives information about their possible burnout symptoms and tips appropriate to the situation.
  • Data on the prevalence of burnout among the Finnish working-age population is presented for comparison.

For whom?

  • The survey is intended for workplaces that want to identify the existence and prevalence of the risk of burnout.
  • For large workplaces, the survey can also provide information on the prevalence of burnout in different units, if the number of respondents is sufficient to allow protection of the respondents’ privacy.
  • The survey can be carried out regularly, such as twice a year, which allows monitoring the development of strain. This can be particularly useful during various changes at work and for follow-up purposes, for example.


  • The workplace receives up-to-date information on the prevalence and severity of burnout symptoms among employees and the various units of the workplace.
  • Individual employees are informed of whether they have symptoms of burnout and, if so, the degree of the symptoms.
  • Both the workplace and the individuals receive feedback with instructions on what to do in case of burnout.
  • Based on the results provided by the tool, it is possible to develop working conditions to reduce and prevent burnout.

How to use the survey tool

Process of the job burnout traffic lights for work communities tool Choose a contact person who is responsible for conducting the survey. The contact person orders the organisation-specific survey and report links in their email and sends the survey link to the respondents. After completing the survey, the respondents will receive personal feedback on their own situation. The contact person can view the results and download a group-level report from which individual respondents cannot be identified.

Order survey and report links

What do the survey and reports look like?

The survey consists of a total of 12 questions related to the four main symptoms of burnout.



The individual respondent’s report shows their own results, tips for their specific situation and a comparison with the results of the How is Finland doing? study.



The organisation-level report shows the average of the results, a comparison with the How is Finland doing? study, distribution of responses and proposals for measures based on the results.
