- Front page
- the Mental Health Toolkit
- Job Burnout Traffic Lights for Work Communities
- Work Ability Management Overview
- Recovery Calculator
- Social Welfare and Health Care Sector Recovery Calculator
- Workplace Resilience Toolkit
- Substance Abuse Programme Tool
- the Exercise According to Work Tool
- Cognitive Work Survey
- Supporting Mental Health at Work -material for supervisors
- Mind and Job Accommodation -material
- Towards Successful Seniority material
- Mind, strategy and everyday work
- About
- the Mental Health Toolkit
- Workplace Resilience Toolkit
- Decision-making Development Tool
Decision-making Development Tool
Discuss whether the decisions in your organization are made in the right place: by those who have the best information and who have most at stake with the decision.

Discussion about decision-making at your workplace. The workshop instructions are part of the Workplace Resilience Toolkit.
For whom?
The entire work community participates in the workshop. The workshop can be lead by the management, supervisors or professionals in safety, strategy or HR.
The workshop and development measures will make decision-making in the work community more agile and improve its quality. The opportunity to participate in decision-making promotes commitment to work and the decisions made.
Instructions for implementation
Discuss together what is decided on at your workplace and how. You have approximately 30 minutes to discuss.
- Open the Decision-making Development Tool found at the end of this page.
- The tool includes a ready list of issues to be decided on. Locate the ones that apply to you at the correct place on the line.
- Matters that management will decide on alone are at the left end of the line. Matters at the right end of the line are decided on by an expert/employee. Matters at the middle are discussed together.
- Add matters to be decided upon on notes and place them in the correct place at the decision-making line.
After the matters have been placed, reflect together where participation can be increased and how this change can be implemented in practice. You have approximately 30 minutes to discuss.
- In which matters is it important to consult personnel and how can that be done?
- Which decisions could taken outside senior management to save time?
- Which matters should personnel be involved in preparing to provide added value?
- For which matters is it enough to involve a personnel representative and how can this be done?
- What matters are useful to decide among the work community?
- For which matters can the authority of individuals to make decisions be increased?
After the discussion, agree on new practices together. You have approximately 20 minutes to discuss.
Download the table for agreeing on measures (PDF)
Instructions for using the online version of the tool
- Log in or create a Padlet account for yourself https://padlet.com/.
- Enter the development tool by clicking this button: Decision-making Development Tool
- Click the Remake link at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Select Copy design and Copy posts and click Submit. The tool will now appear on your desktop.
- In Padlet, matters decided on in the organization are ranked based on how participatory their processing is by dragging sticky notes onto a line. You can add more decided on matters to the padlet by using the plus sign in the lower right-hand corner.The sticky note will appear in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. You can edit and remove sticky notes by clicking on the three dots at the top right-hand corner of a note. You can remove the instructions shown on the right side of the line once you start working.
- Sharing the tool with others: There is no need for other users to log in to Padlet. Once you are in the tool’s padlet, click the Share link. You can share the padlet either as a link or as a QR code. You can also email the link to the participants directly from Padlet. If you would like for the participants to be able to add sticky notes to the line, click on the Share links, select Change privacy, click on Visitor permissions and select Can write.
Printable version of the template
You can print the Decision-making Development Tool line and add notes to it during the workshop by using post-it notes, for example. You can also move the printable version of the tool into a whiteboard app of your choosing (e.g. Miro).
Printable template (PDF)
Why should you develop joint decision-making?
- The ability to make decisions concerning one's own work and the work community increases the sense of job control and appreciation.
- The opportunity to participate in decision-making promotes commitment to work and the decisions made.
- You should make use of joint decision-making in all kinds of decisions because complex decisions require everyone’s expertise.
- During a crisis, everyone needs to be ready and able to make decisions.
Senior Specialist Miira Heiniö, Senior Specialist Mervi Halonen and Specialist Ilkka Asikainen, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health