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Cognitive Work Survey 

Identify the cognitive work stress factors in your work community. 

Duration Workshop approx. 2 hours + preparation according to need Content Survey tool to help steer the workshop Result Summary of key cognitive work stress factors and jointly agreed further measures
GO TO THE TOOL Or read more below.


Increase understanding on what kinds of factors impede the smooth flow of work and cause unnecessary stress in your work community. The tool guides you towards shared discussion and acts as a documentation platform. 

For whom?

Teams of all sizes either in-person or virtually. For example, a supervisor or team leader can act as the instructor.  


The tool allows you to establish a shared understanding of stress factors and open discussion on the organization of work and cognitive well-being at work. 

Progress of the workshop 

It is recommended that the workshop instructor prepares for the workshop by getting to know the content of the survey tool in advance. 

When you are ready to start, the instructor will start the workshop with the “move to the tool“ button. The instructor shares the view with the other participants and the work progresses according to the instructions provided by the survey tool. 

The workshop includes:

  • Introduction to themes related to cognitive work 
  • Voting on the most important themes (3–4) 
  • Discussion on the selected themes and keeping records of observations 
  • Agreeing on further measures 

Cognitive work should be developed throughout the entire work community

A large share of today’s work comprises knowledge work and co-operation. Constant interruptions and moving from one task to another cause stress. 

The brain is required to remember, get acquainted, think, adapt to changes, solve problems and make decisions. At the same time, the brain requires quiet and pauses to do the work. 

Everyone can reduce the amount of unnecessary brain strain in their own work. However, that alone is not enough if the practices of the workplace are not supportive of smooth knowledge work. 

By developing cognitive ergonomics, it is possible to make changes at the level of the entire work community. This requires joint discussion and agreeing on how work is done co-operatively and paying attention to cognitive well-being.