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Social Welfare and Health Care Sector Recovery Calculator

The calculator designed for units helps to evaluate the operational models that support recovery.

Duration Approximately 30 minutes. In addition, reserve some time to study the feedback and discuss it with the personnel. Contents Questions about recovery practices for the unit supervisor. The questions should be answered together with personnel representatives. Result Immediate feedback on the status of recovery practices and recommended development actions based on the responses.
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Assess the practices of your unit with regard to recovery based on the questions of the calculator. The calculator is suitable for assessing the current situation and planning the development work of units with similar work practices. It can be used as part of the annual risk assessment and occupational health co-operation.

For whom?

Unit supervisors in co-operation with the personnel.


The calculator helps to understand the unit’s challenges related to recovery and to ensure that the unit’s practices promote recovery and coping at work.

What does recovery mean in practice?

Recovery from work-related stress improves health and work ability.

  • During recovery, many processes that strengthen physical and mental resources begin in the body.
  • Recovery during working hours is promoted by a reasonable workload and pace of work, breaks from work, functional workspaces, work equipment and processes, nutrition, and good team spirit.
  • Recovery during free time is promoted by mental detachment from work, relaxation, good interpersonal relationships, self-development, adequate sleep, and a healthy lifestyle.
  • The ability to concentrate, relax and enjoy life is a sign of successful recovery.

What do you get from the Recovery Calculator?

The calculator provides immediate feedback on the current situation of the unit. Based on the results, it presents method cards that can be used to develop recovery practices. 

The Recovery Calculator helps to

  • understand the unit’s challenges related to recovery,
  • determine whether the workplace’s practices support recovery and coping at work, and
  • assess the unit’s development needs.

Utilizing the Recovery Calculator

The assessment requires the participation of a unit supervisor and personnel representatives, preferably more than one. It is a good idea to agree on the development activities together with the entire unit.

The results can also be used by senior supervisors, occupational health care and HR management. They should be contacted about initiating and implementing the development activities.

The Social Welfare and Health Care Sector Recovery Calculator can be used in connection with the annual risk assessment. It can be taken again after any development activities have been implemented in order to assess their effectiveness. 

Privacy Notice

The answers are saved in the Surveypal service of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH). The responding organization or individual respondents cannot be identified. Experts of the FIOH use the recorded group-level data for describing practices related to recovery in different sectors. The data are used in the communications of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, and data can be reported as descriptive distributions, for example, on the website of the FIOH. Taking the Social Welfare and Health Care Sector Recovery Calculator is considered as giving consent to utilize the data as described above.